*** The BOCC elected Wes Rice as Chairman. Commissioner Gardner made the nomination and Commissioner Hales seconded it. Commissioner Hales was elected as Vice-Chair. Commissioner Rice made the nomination and Commissioner Gardner seconded it. Both votes were unanimous. During public comment, two members from the audience suggested I apply for the Chairman position. I thanked them but told them my time is better spent dealing with constituent problems and producing my newsletters and videos. ***The BOCC elected Chairman Rice as the Chairman of the Douglas County Liquor Board. The vote was unanimous. *** The BOCC was provided a status of the 36 projects funded by the American Rescue Plan Act. To date, 31% of the projects have been completed. All of the money must be spent before December of 2026 or the county loses it. Page 303-305 of the link below lists the projects, the amount funded for each, and how much has been spent so far. Link to Agenda Packet ***The BOCC heard an informative presentation by the Community Development Department on land use, planning and development applications and the respective roles of the Community Development staff, the Planning Commission and the Board of County Commissioners. You can read the presentation on pages 355-366 of the link above: *** The BOCC voted unanimously to adopt an ordinance revising the Town of Minden's trash and garbage collection regulations, including changes to its green waste program. This Ordinance will take effect January 18th. *** The BOCC voted unanimously to approve a labor agreement between Douglas County and the Douglas County Employees' Association. The agreement commences immediately and ends on June 30, 2028. You can read the major changes to the labor agreement on pages 397-398 of the link above. *** The BOCC voted to keep each commissioner on the same Douglas County board and committee in which they were the previous year. Community activist, Ellie Waller, asked me to request the position on the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency (TRPA) which is the most powerful authority at the Lake. The TRPA has changed over the years from an agency protecting the conservation of the Lake to a pro-growth organization, evidenced by its approval of the high-rise condominium project at Incline Village. Google this project and you will know what I mean. As a member of the TRPA I may not have been able to change the direction of the Board but I would have disclosed publicly what this incredibly powerful Board is doing to the Lake. However, Chairman Rice would not relinquish his spot and he had the votes to remain. Additional Commission Candidate District 1 Jason Garrett, a regular public speaker at Commission meetings, has advised me that he is going to run for County Commissioner in District 1, the seat I currently hold. He joins Jim McKalip and Dave Nelson as declared candidates. |